
admin 87 2022-12-05 09:27:31

谨以此片献给双十年华的富国基金以及更重要的陪伴富二走过风风雨雨的亲爱的你 投资就像滚雪球,Investing is like rolling a snowball你需要足够黏性的雪和足够长的雪道。You need snow with enough viscosity and snow path with enough length但是,什么资产才是有足够黏性的雪?But, what kind of asset can be regarded as wet snow ?什么方法才能找到足够长的雪道呢?And how could you find a long enough hill?这是全世界投资者都孜孜以求探寻的奥义。This is the profound meaning that investors around the world are searching for作为国内最早成立的公募基金公司之一,As one of the first founded public mutual fund companies established in China富国基金的权益、固收和量化的多策略专家形象已被业内所熟知Fullgoal fund is well recognized by the industry for its multi-strategy expertise in equity, fixed income and quantitative investment.也正在成为打开投资奥义大门的资管行业领先者。Fullgoal fund is also becoming the pioneer in the asset management industry for leading the way to finding the profound meaning of investing深入研究、长期回报,是富国基金权益投资团队所奉行的理念。“Conducting in-depth research and realizing long term return” is the investment philosophy adopted by Fullgoal’s equity investment team.对企业的研判,对价值的坚守,“Making judgment on the company and maintaining persistence for values”就是对“自下而上”基本面研究的最佳注解。This could be the best elaboration of bottom-up fundamental approach to equity research拥有20年来穿越牛熊的经验,With 20 years of investment experience, passing through both bull and bear markets在风险来临的那一刻,Then in the moment of risk approaching才能够沉着应对。One could deal with it calmly富国基金的固定收益投资团队,则致力于提供绝对回报,The fixed income investment team of Fullgoal Fund is devoted to providing absolute return,以及风险调整后的收益最大化。And maximizing its risk adjusted return固收团队较早认识到信用利差的重要性,The fixed income team has long before recognized the importance of the credit spread领先于业内搭建了固收信用研究体系。Becoming the industry pioneer in building a comprehensive fixed income credit research system并最早把封闭形态赋予债基以提高收益稳定性。And was the first to introduce close ended fixed income mutual fund to improve return stability缔造出一批里程碑式的产品。This created a series of flagship products富国基金的量化投资团队,则追求创造阿尔法收益,The quantitative investment team of Fullgoal Fund is dedicated to create alpha returns他们熟稔编程,反复优化多因子投资模型,They know the programming well and constantly optimize the factor investment model以获得指数收益的增厚,So as to increase alpha on top of market index returns让雪球在最佳方案通路中一路畅行。Ensuring the snowball to roll smoothly along the optimal path同时,富国基金的海外权益投资部也连续多年创下同类产品中名列前茅的骄人业绩,Meanwhile, the overseas equity investment team in Fullgoal Fund has also delivered outstanding performances among peer groups for many consecutive years负责FOF产品的多元资产投资部则在个人养老基金产品中承担重要角色,The multi-asset investment team, responsible for the managing FOF, also plays an important role in the individual pension fund product market这些都是富国基金庞大系统中的有机部分。All above elements form the organic building blocks for the giant system at Fullgoal Fund公募、专户、社保、年金、基本养老等,Ranging across public mutual funds, segregated mandates national social security funds, corporate annuities products, and public pension funds, etc.一系列资管业务,辅以严格的风控体系,A series of asset management business lines, supported by rigorous risk control system共同构建起了可立于行业尖端的核心驱动力。Together building up the industry leading core driving power拥有行业少有的全牌照的富国基金,Fullgoal Fund, as one of the very few fully licensed fund management companies in the industry,正以专业的水准和诚信的品格,Is using its professional expertise and integrity将投资者的千亿级资产投向“足够黏性的雪”To invest hundreds of billions of assets into “snow with enough viscosity陪伴投资者走过“漫长的雪道”,Accompany investors to pass through the “long snow hill”努力为全体持有人提供更完美的回报。Striving to offer better returns for all fund shareholders
  • 版权声明:本站所有资讯内容均收集于互联网,仅供参考,并不构成投资建议,股市有风险,投资需谨慎
  • 本文声明:于2022-12-05,由admin分享,共 3779个字。如有疑问,请联系我们
  • 本文地址:https://www.chuangyeyoudao.cn/cjzx/2833.html
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